
Llene el formulario para enviarnos un correo directamente a Costa Rica o contacte directamente al representante.

O comuníquese con nuestros representantes a los siguientes números de teléfono.


To contact the Costa Rican office you can fill the form or send an e-mail to: to contact Dr. Donald Korach directly.

Costa Rica: (506) 2235-7707

Pra. Cielo Escobar
Colombia: 320 - 273 - 0754       E-mail:

Pra. Ilka Guerra
Panamá: (507) 6760-6516          E-mail:

Carlos Soto
(504) 3252-4488     E-mail:

Moravia, San José
Costa Rica

(506) 8821-4944, whatsapp

FEMUTUA.ORG provee información sobre el ministerio Fe Mutua Latinoamérica, el Instituto Bíblico y demás intereses del ministerio

Mutual Faith

We are glad you are here!  Fe Mutua is the Latin American office of Mutual Faith Int.  Dr. Don Korach and Keith Hershey have been
working together since 1992.  It is out of this office that all coordination is made to reach into the region and nations of Latin America.

We are located in San Jose the Capital city of Costa Rica.  Fe Mutua as a nonprofit corporation was Incorporated in Costa Rica in 1997.

Our main emphasis of ministry here is teaching and training.  Mutual Faith Int. expresses the gospel through Preaching, Teaching,
and Reaching. We do all three to some extent but it is Teaching that consumes us.  Today we have over 3500 student in our
Bible Institute (IITB) in nine different counties. Along with the Bible Institute, we also have various Seminars and Conferences
through out the year.

There is also the Internship Program, Groups and Visitors part of the ministry.  Through out the year we have visitors who help
in the ministry, being a part of what the Lord is doing here.  Don Korach has always had a heart for visitors because it was through
a visit to Guatemala that he became a missionary.

An entirely new area of ministry was added in the fall of 2006 which is called "Fe Mutua Productions.”  It is here where
all video and audio materials developed and edited.  One example is Keith Hershey’s “Life Unlimited” TV which is edited here
for the Spanish market.

As you may be able to tell, we are having a great time serving the Lord.