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To contact the Costa Rican office you can fill the form or send an e-mail to: to contact Dr. Donald Korach directly.

Costa Rica: (506) 2235-7707

Pra. Cielo Escobar
Colombia: 320 - 273 - 0754       E-mail:

Pra. Ilka Guerra
Panamá: (507) 6760-6516          E-mail:

Carlos Soto
(504) 3252-4488     E-mail:

Moravia, San José
Costa Rica

(506) 8821-4944, whatsapp

FEMUTUA.ORG provee información sobre el ministerio Fe Mutua Latinoamérica, el Instituto Bíblico y demás intereses del ministerio

Dr. Degree

Dr. Degree

 On May 5th of 2007 Rev. Donald Korach recieved an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity.  Three members of the Seminary Board
traveled to Costa Rica to present Donald Korach with this great honor.  While in Costa Rica they also broght with them Donald Korach’s
earned Degree of Master of Bible Theology.

 Be sure to look at the photos of the documents and short video of the activity.  CEO Dr. Verda Thompson read the following document.

May 5, 2007

To Whom it May Concern,

Be it known to all who hear and read this letter, that Rev. Donald M. Korach is being honored this day.  He has served the Lord and the
Body of Christ on the foreign mission field with integrity, passion, purpose and commitment.  He was ordained into the ministry in Tulsa,
Oklahoma in 1987, by Kenneth E. Hagin of RHEMA Bible Training Center.

Rev. Korach graduated in 1981 from the University of Minnesota with an Applied Science Degree.  He graduated from Rhema Bible
Training Center in 1983.   While attending RHEMA he visited the mission field in Guatemala.  Rev. Korach has been a missionary in
Central America since 1984.  He worked with “Living Water Teaching” of Tulsa Oklahoma in both Guatemala and Costa Rica.  He also
worked with “Calvary Ministries” of Jacksonville, Florida in Costa Rica.
While with these ministries he helped them in their Bible Schools with administration and teaching.  In 1993 Rev Korach joined
Dr. Keith Hershey at Mutual Faith Ministries, International, Mission Hills, California.

In the fall of 1996, Rev. Korach began a project translating curriculum from “International College of Bible Theology” (ICBT) into Spanish.
In March of 1997 “Instituto International de Teología Bíblica” IITB” began in Costa Rica.  The next country in which IITB opened was
Colombia. IITB under the care of Rev. Korach has graduates in Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Nicaragua, and Honduras.
In 2006 IITB opened classes in Spain and Ecuador.
In the same year, translation into Portuguese was started.  IITB is scheduled to open, this year, 2007 in Brazil, with the newly translated
material.  Rev. Korach has also been a catalyst in introducing the Bible College material into the existing “Life Institute of Mutual Faith,” in Nigeria, Africa, a school of over 3000 students.

Rev. Korach continued his studies with International College of Bible Theology.  In 1997 he finished his Associate program, in 2002 he
completed a double Bachelor Degree in Theology and Biblical Studies.
Today, May 5, 2007, Rev. Korach is being awarded a Master of Bible Theology Degree.

Rev. Korach’s desire for Bible education and his passion for making disciples is evident in his support of the “Great Commission.”
Through his personal, prayerful, and financial effort Rev. Korach has served his Lord and the Body of Christ well in all areas of his life,
without compromise.  His labor in the Master’s Vineyard has given opportunity and has opened the “mission field” to many believers,
uniting them and making disciples.

We acknowledge his accomplishments and service, and today we confer upon Rev. Donald Milton Korach the Honorary Degree of
Doctor of Divinity.

Signed this 5th of May in the year of our Lord, 2007