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The Hidden People , With Updates

Making Disciples of the Embera and Ngäbe People



Update: August 20 2018, We do have a plan of continuation and it consists of two parts.  One part is to continue training and equipping our now graduates into the next level of study.   The second part is to equip them with all the materials and tools necessary  for them to take what they have learned into there local churches and train their people.  On their first survey I was told they have 41 students ready and waiting in there local churches.

Update: August 7 2018,  After a year of classes we celebrated our first graduation of the Ngäbe people.  It was a time of Joy and Celebration.  The students were excited and came in their Sunday best.  Actually it was more than that.  The men came in new white shits and a tie.  The ladies had special dresses made for the occasion.  All in white with all the typical Ngäbe look.

When you have an event like this every one, even people you don’t know arrive to celebrate.  There is a saying: “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan”.  Our friends from the United Stated, Costa Rica, and Panama where there.  The Panamanians were a bus load.  Friends of the Ngäbe people where there.  Of course more than one wanted a chance to speak; it was obvious a few chocked up as the held back tears of joy.  Dreams of being able to train and equip the hidden people had become a reality.

Update: July 28 2018,  We are one week from the first generations graduation.  We are all anxious and excited  about the coming graduation on August 5th. 

Update: June 1 2018,  Our most recent round of classes were a joy.  Two things encouraged me.  First, we the teachers are contacting with the students.  More smiles are showing up in class then ever before.  Even applause has made its way into class.  Wow this is exciting.  People who are famous for being straight faced have opened there hearts to us.  Second, the students are really taking their studies serious, they have learned to do the homework, meet to review analyze the study  and are helping teach some of the classes.

Update: February 20 2018,  Just returned from ur most recent round of classes.  Marie Rose from Minnesota went with us to share in the teaching responsibility.  She focused in on how to minster to and help people contemplating suicide.  Guess where there is a hug problem of suicide.  If you guessed indigenous peoples living on reservations.  You would be right.  If you think about their life style, it is no surprise.  Donnie my son came on this trip and was a great help.  All three of us had a great trip and an impacting time of ministry.

Update: December 1 2017,  The clases in November were our muddiest ever.  It was so bad that I got a Toyota, Land Cruiser, buried in the mud.  How embarrassing!  I felt better when I realized the only vehicles getting in had special tires for mud and chains.  The slippery street tires we were using were not up to the task.   The students however are doing great.

Update: November 1 2017,  Next classes are scheduled for November 10-11-12, 2017.  Both teachers and students are excited to see each other.

Update: October 1 2017,  Received a photo of a team meeting.  It was quickly noted that everyone was using a flashlight to study.  Remember this is a land with no electricity.

Update:  September 1 2017,  One of the key elements to having success with this program is accountability.  It is obvious that people must study, but we have tried to encourage the process by making people accountable by placing them in local groups.  We have already heard from group leaders that they have begun meeting.

Update: August 6 2017,  Today we finished up our first classes with the Ngäbe people.  It was a wonderful heart-felt experience for all of us.  We are thrilled to be here.  The stories from this first weekend with them are numerous.  Next classes are scheduled for November 10-13, 2017

Update: July 1, 2017,  Working very closely with our Panamanian team as we prepare.  We are taking advantage of our experience with the Embera people as well as visiting the teaching location, that is located some eight hours from Panama city and four hours from the Costa Rican border.

Update: June 1, 2017,  We have had various meetings both in Costa Rica and Panama with our new pastor friends from the Ngäbe people.  We are all being very strategic as we prepare the Bible Institute.  

Update: May 1, 2017,  The Hidden People, Making Disciples of the Embera and Ngäbe people is Launched.


Touching lives in the Indigenous Nations

In January of this year we held a symposium with pastors from Central and South America.  The subject was simple “Making Disciples of the Nations”.  It was a great time of ministry and seeds of discipleship were sown that will impact many lives.  

After preparing for and participating in the symposium a burden for the indigenous people of the region began to grow.

In just two weeks following I was in a meeting with a pastor friend of mine I hadn’t seen for years. It wasn't long in our conversation and the Ngäbe people were mentioned.  A week after that I was talking to a Ngäbe pastor.

These are people that have been forgotten.  The Ngäbe live on a huge piece of land that is on both sides of the Costa Rican and Panamanian borders.

We have a great team in Panama so I am happy to say that we have already begun working with the Embera People.  This is another indigenous nation of people that are located in Panama.

These two groups of peoples have very little in common, different languages, different history, and different cultures.  

But they have others thing in common.  They live in poverty, they live hours up in the mountains or jungles and they have asked for our help. 

Is this an easy assignment? No, not even close.  The people live hours away on the other side of rivers.  Places where you ride a horse for three hours and walk another three hours to get to there villages; with no electricity, where the purr of a generator brings light for a quick evening service. 

I am asking you to reach the unreachable.  Touch people with the gospel that live in difficult places.

We will begin with training and equipping pastors and then giving the pastors the tools to train and equip the church, this will be a three year project.

Today we have 65 students ready to begin.  Within six months it will double.

By the Numbers

Donate Now

First level of Study, “Preparation of Ministry” $85(per person) x 65(pastors/church) = $5,525.00

2nd Level of Study and first half of “Associate of Biblical Studies” $85(per person) x 50(pastors/church) = $4,250.00

3rd Level of Study and termination of “Associate of Biblical Studies” $85(per person) x 50(pastors/church) = $4,250.00

Two Training sessions $3,000.00 each for a total of $6,000.00