
Llene el formulario para enviarnos un correo directamente a Costa Rica o contacte directamente al representante.

O comuníquese con nuestros representantes a los siguientes números de teléfono.


To contact the Costa Rican office you can fill the form or send an e-mail to: to contact Dr. Donald Korach directly.

Costa Rica: (506) 2235-7707

Pra. Cielo Escobar
Colombia: 320 - 273 - 0754       E-mail:

Pra. Ilka Guerra
Panamá: (507) 6760-6516          E-mail:

Carlos Soto
(504) 3252-4488     E-mail:

Moravia, San José
Costa Rica

(506) 8821-4944, whatsapp

FEMUTUA.ORG provee información sobre el ministerio Fe Mutua Latinoamérica, el Instituto Bíblico y demás intereses del ministerio

Internship Program

Welcome to our internship program, we are delighted to offer you an opportunity to experience “missions” firsthand.  Our purpose in
creating the program is to provide you a place to see the work of the ministry and to personally get involved on the foreign field,
where we live and operate. 
The internship program has proven to transform the lives of many.  Come join us!

Download a Internship General Info Package